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Maryland homeschoolers are not required to take the GED. However, some families opt to take the test because they want the state-issued high school diploma that comes with passing the exam.
We have gathered a summary of frequently asked questions about Maryland homeschoolers who wish to take the GED. While every effort has been made to provide the most accurate information, be sure to verify details directly with the national GED test provider and with Maryland’s GED test administrator, through the Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation.
How old do I need to be to take the GED in Maryland?
Maryland requires all residents to be at least 19-years old to take the GED – UNLESS they meet one of the exceptions to the compulsory school age law.Can Maryland homeschoolers take the GED younger than 19?
Yes, Maryland homeschoolers can register to take the GED as young as 16, after submitting a signed Homeschool Verification Form with the proper state official.How do I sign up to take the GED?
Once you have been approved by Maryland to take the GED, you create an online GED account and register to take the test.Where is the GED given?
You can find Maryland GED test centers at your local community college.What is on the GED test?
The GED was revamped a number of years ago and is now made up of FOUR subject area tests: Math, language arts, social studies, and science.Do I need to know Algebra to pass the GED?
Yes, basic algebra and geometry are included in the math portion of the GED.Are calculators allowed?
Yes, some portions of the test allow calculators. You must bring your own TI-30XS hand held calculator, if you wish to use one.Is there an essay on the GED?
Yes, the Language Arts portion of the GED includes an essay subtest.
How long is the GED?
Each of the four GED subtests range from 70 – 150 minutes in length. The Math and Language Arts GED subtests include a break.Do I have to take all 4 GED subtests on the same day?
No. You can schedule to take the GED subtests on different days. You must take and pass all 4 subtests within five years.How much does it cost to take the GED?
In 2018, each Maryland GED subtest cost $11.25 to take.Does the GED offer testing accommodations?
Yes, but you must apply for testing accommodations before you sign up to take the GED. Requests for testing accommodations take 30-days to review.What happens if I don’t pass the GED?
Individuals have the opportunity to retake GED subject tests a certain number of times without restrictions. After that, individuals must wait a certain number of days before taking the test, again. There is a fee to retake tests.How long do I have to wait until I get my scores?
Scores are generally posted within 24-72 hours.Do I get a diploma if I pass the GED?
Yes. Maryland issues an official state diploma to everyone who passes the GED. It looks just like a public school diploma, with the exception of a school name printed on the diploma.Do Maryland homeschoolers need to take the GED?
It depends. The military and most colleges and career school accept homeschool diplomas, especially if the diploma is supplemented with a bonafide portfolio that documents how high school credits were earned. Some situations, however, still occur exist where a homeschool graduate may be asked to take and pass the GED in order to validate their homeschool diploma.
Last modified on September 13, 2019