Community Based Homeschool Resources
Buying homeschool curriculum can get expensive. To help families stretch their education dollars, Maryland Homeschool Association rounded up FREE and low-cost community-based resources you can start using today. Scroll down for general resources to support your homeschooling. Check out our list of links in the right column for subject-specific resources.
Do you know of a community-based resource we’ve missed? Let us know and we’ll add it to the list!
General Community Based Homeschool Resources
Baltimore County Public Schools’ Resource Centers for Families and Schools: With 3 different locations across the county, parents, teachers, child care providers, and other organizations that work with children may access and use the resource centers, which include die-cut machines, button makers, and laminators. A small fee for supplies may be charged.
Howard County Child Care Resource Center: Open to homeschoolers, the Resource Center offers die cut machines, laminators, and a library of curriculum guides to help you create meaningful learning activities. A small fee may be charged for certain supplies.
Tax Free Clothes Shopping Week: Every August, Maryland hosts a tax-free event for families purchasing back-to-school clothes and shoes. Some restrictions apply, but the tax-free event includes homeschool and nonpublic school students.
Last modified on March 12, 2022