

Maryland does not require homeschool families to use a specific curriculum, but we’ll still help you find community-based and online educational resources to use with your children – including Homeschool Days across the state.

What To Teach


Maryland Homeschool Curriculum Maryland homeschool regulations provide simple and clear directions for what families must teach their children at home. Specifically, every kindergarten through 12th grade homeschool program must provide "regular, thorough instruction" in the following courses: Read more...

What To Teach2023-09-05T13:01:03-04:00

Virtual Schools


Free Virtual Schools in Maryland Many states offer online virtual school options that provide a free e-learning education to students. Because these students are allowed to complete their online classes at home, this type of virtual school Read more...

Virtual Schools2020-07-10T12:40:51-04:00

IEP Process


Walking You Through the IEP Process Federal and state law requires public schools to provide special education services from birth to the age of 21. All children under the age of 5 - including Read more...

IEP Process2019-09-13T20:57:56-04:00