Maryland Homeschool Curriculum

Maryland homeschool regulations provide simple and clear directions for what families must teach their children at home. Specifically, every kindergarten through 12th grade homeschool program must provide “regular, thorough instruction” in the following courses:

Social Studies

Physical Education

homeschool curriculum

More About What You Have To Teach

Between K – 8th grades, what exactly you teach each year is completely up to each individual parent. [Individual course requirements in high school are handled a little bit differently.] In other words, while most public schools teach a unit on the life cycle of the butterfly in kindergarten science classes, homeschoolers can choose to teach the life cycle of frogs, instead. Or, they can spend an entire year learning about outer space. Or, they can explore building simple machines.

As long as a homeschool parent shows their child receives “regular, thorough instruction” in each subject area, the actual content is the parent’s choice.

Important Points to Remember:

  • Public schools WILL NOT give homeschool families curriculum to use
  • Maryland DOES NOT approve homeschool curriculum used by families
  • Maryland DOES NOT accredit any homeschool curriculum – no matter what the curriculum provider tells you
  • Maryland DOES NOT grant high school credit – even when you review through your county


Last modified on September 5, 2023

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